GeneSet Removal of DNA patch containing abasic residue (Pathways_-_Reactome.gmt.txt) is enriched in the following clusters
Cluster log(P) Qvalue Observed in Background Observed in Cluster Expected in Cluster
o--a -2.2 0.04176 13.0 5.0 1.85
Gene expression pattern
Figure: Temporal expression patterns were grouped into clusters with differential expression profiles at three phases of the viral life cycle, namely reverse transcription, integration, and late phase. Boxplots on the left show the distribution of the normalized regression weights for each viral phase used in clustering. Expression change pattern of each gene over time is plotted for mock and HIV samples (dotted orange lines) along with the cluster median (bold red line).
List of genes
Ensembl ID Name Cluster
ENSG00000100823 APEX1 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000152669 CCNO -+o
ENSG00000168496 FEN1 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000105486 LIG1 o--a
ENSG00000129071 MBD4 o+o
ENSG00000103152 MPG o--a
ENSG00000132781 MUTYH o--a
ENSG00000065057 NTHL1 --o
ENSG00000114026 OGG1 o--a
ENSG00000132646 PCNA -o-
ENSG00000070501 POLB o+-
ENSG00000062822 POLD1 o--a
ENSG00000106628 POLD2 o--b
ENSG00000077514 POLD3 o+o
ENSG00000175482 POLD4 --o
ENSG00000123415 SMUG1 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000139372 TDG NonAssociatedWithProgression