GeneSet Trafficking of AMPA receptors (Pathways_-_Reactome.gmt.txt) is enriched in the following clusters
Cluster log(P) Qvalue Observed in Background Observed in Cluster Expected in Cluster
--- -2.8 0.01969 12.0 5.0 1.47
Gene expression pattern
Figure: Temporal expression patterns were grouped into clusters with differential expression profiles at three phases of the viral life cycle, namely reverse transcription, integration, and late phase. Boxplots on the left show the distribution of the normalized regression weights for each viral phase used in clustering. Expression change pattern of each gene over time is plotted for mock and HIV samples (dotted orange lines) along with the cluster median (bold red line).
List of genes
Ensembl ID Name Cluster
ENSG00000196961 AP2A1 ---
ENSG00000006125 AP2B1 ---
ENSG00000161203 AP2M1 ---
ENSG00000042753 AP2S1 o--b
ENSG00000145349 CAMK2D NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000148660 CAMK2G o+o
ENSG00000075711 DLG1 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000132535 DLG4 ---
ENSG00000155974 GRIP1 o++a
ENSG00000144596 GRIP2 o+o
ENSG00000135679 MDM2 -o-
ENSG00000073969 NSF o++a
ENSG00000100151 PICK1 ---
ENSG00000154229 PRKCA oo+